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Full-hull ship model
The Schooner Primrose of Marblehead, Full-hull ship model, 2002; Mark A. Sutherland (b. 1954); Concord, Massachusetts; Wood, cotton; 31 3/4 x 39 x 7 1/2 in; Collection of the artist; Photography by Jason Dowdle
The Schooner Primrose of Marblehead, Full-hull ship model, 2002
Mark A. Sutherland (b. 1954)
Concord, Massachusetts
Wood, cotton
31 3/4 x 39 x 7 1/2 in
Collection of the artist
Photography by Jason Dowdle
Ditty Box; Maritime craft; 1992; Mark A. Sutherland (b. 1954); Antique whalebone; Collection of the artist
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Mark A. Sutherland
Concord, MA
Web Site
A few years ago, a large-scale antique model at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem captured Mark Sutherland's imagination. As he relates, "I was charmed by the color, patina and artistic feel of these old models and wanted to build something that captured some of . . .the antique vessel color schemes." He based the hull lines on plans by Howard I. Chappelle, a noted marine historian. Schooners of this style were used for fishing and coastal freighting until almost the mid 1800s, with little changes in overall design.
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