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Portuguese crochet
Crocheted Fish, Portuguese crochet, 1995; Alice Morais (b. 1922); Milford, Massachusetts; Thread; 22 1/4 x 8 1/8 x 1/4 in.; Collection of the artist; Photography by Jason Dowdle
Crocheted Fish, Portuguese crochet, 1995
Alice Morais (b. 1922)
Milford, Massachusetts
22 1/4 x 8 1/8 x 1/4 in.
Collection of the artist
Photography by Jason Dowdle
verticle bar Artist
Alice Morais
Milford, MA
Alice Morais lives on the edge of Prospect Heights in Milford, home to a large Portuguese population since the early 1900s. Like other Portuguese girls of her generation, she learned to make crocheted coverlets, runners, curtains, and doilies. Alice says this crocheted fish represents her heritage, "The Portuguese love fish."
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