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Rope sculpture
Life Preserver and Crosses, Rope sculpture, 1997; Marco Randazzo (b. 1945); Gloucester, Massachusetts; Nautical line; 31 1/2 x 18 x 4 in. (includes crucifix below); Collection of the artist; Photography by Jason Dowdle
Life Preserver and Crosses, Rope sculpture, 1997
Marco Randazzo (b. 1945)
Gloucester, Massachusetts
Nautical line
31 1/2 x 18 x 4 in. (includes crucifix below)
Collection of the artist
Photography by Jason Dowdle
Marco Randazzo's Cross and Life Ring on the wall at Caffe Sicilia: 2000:
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Marco Randazzo
Gloucester, MA
This life ring, which consist of a nautical life ring circling a crucifix, speaks to fishermen's dangerous work. "If the boat goes down, the last thing you think of is Jesus Christ--to save your soul," says Marco Randazzo who first came to Gloucester to fish after emigrating from Sicily in 1969. He spent more than twenty years on a dragger fishing for cod and haddock. In his spare time, Marco discovered that his facility in tying knots could be turned to making rope sculptures inspired by his occupation and faith.
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